Welcome to The Opportune Group

We realize business opportunities in the hope of ultimately benefitting charitable aims as well as rewarding stakeholders in those opportunities.

Our flagship portfolio is Four Rivers, comprising creations adaptable to a variety of media - "from the biggest screen to the smallest screen and everywhere in between" plus music, stage and merchandise - along with brands and inventions.

Four Rivers originates / incubates / accelerates opportunities that we believe are likely to benefit from our extensive pipeline of "intangibles", especially intellectual property rights ("IPR", eg copyrights, trademarks, patents and trade secrets).

While having a bias to globally realizable opportunities, Opportune considers regional opportunities and even opportunities in major national markets. Opportunities in Four Rivers tend to be in entertainment, leisure, media and tech, so we refer to them with the shorthand "elements". Some examples of domains of our interests are:

- content (e.g. stories, characters, designs);

- geo (e.g. recycling / renewables / remediation);

- wellthcare (e.g. personal goods, services or solutions improved by new-millenium IPR).

In pursuing the mission of Opportune, we seek to:

· optimize the best interests of our co-backers and the other stakeholders in each opportunity;

· maximize each business in a belief that a spirit of fair enterprise helps foster humane progress;

· devote a big portion of the final net profits encashed by The Opportune Organisation to good works. We don't oblige any of our co-stakeholders to make any donation. Either way, they enjoy "a karma dividend" by helping us help others.

We tend to partner in opportunities, whether they originate with us or they emerge from elsewhere. Usually we have (co-)principal, value-adding, vanguard positions in opportunities. Sometimes we help to progress opportunities on behalf of third parties who enlist us with minority interests.

While we keep an open mind as to geography, sector and stage of any favorable opportunity, we have tended to favor transnational, emerging ("below the radar"), "quality of life" opportunities".

Opportune has presences in major centers - in America, UK/Europe and the Asia-Pacific Rim - to facilitate local / national / regional collaborations.

Dive into Four Rivers

Opportune is setting up The Impresario Companies to realize our prolific Four Rivers portfolio of original, globally marketable intangibles - especially IPR, e.g. copyrights, patents, trademarks - from development through productization to monetization.

We welcome expressions of collaborative professional interest in contributing creative sweat / commercial savvy / cash capital - any of "the three C's" - to us.

Feel free to email Impresario
a link to your website (but
NO attachments, please!)
introducing your capabilities in any of the three C's, in relation to e.g. apps, web, comics; games, tv, movies; merchandise, music, stage; tech; distribution; finance.